Jacques Fleuret

Do you see the small dot, at the bottom right?
It is the Earth: where we are, aren't we?
(Picture of Saturn, taken by the Cassini probe )
Fears, beliefs and rejection reactions... Thinking for yourself ...
For Independent Research ... The problem of scientific publishing......
Welcome to my website,
depending on your topics of interest:
Physics, Psychology, Yoga…
You feel depressed? stressed? anxious?
You suffer from relational, professional, educational difficulties ?
Do not hesitate to contact me, in case you could benefit from some of my remaining availabilities…
(first session free)
Black matter and black energy:
do they exist?
I appear to be one of the few research fellows trying out new theories to make us do without those concepts...
Un jour viendra... couleur d’orange...
Comme un oiseau sur la plus haute branche...
Où les gens s’aimeront!
Will the poet desire be effective in our contemporary society ?
When and How will it be ?...
That is the subject of my new book, with a psychological point of view.
In this book are given : an analysis of our society, personal questionning
for those who would like to promote more empathy, examination of the freudian view, remarks on the role of science, and positive perspectives
for our future…
And, for readers not familiar with Motivation Psychology, are also proposed practical exercices…
(available on Amazon as a printed book or Kindle)